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Showing posts from November, 2011


Surrender and let yourself feel the sweetness around you. Just let go and accept the happiness that The Divine has been waiting to pour out. -----


No matter where I go in the house lately, Sofia has been interested. Her little eyes follow me around, tracking the camera and watching my every step. The hardest thing has been when she watches me leave for work in the morning, I always turn around to see if she watches me walk out of the door (she does!) I learned my lesson!  I just have to walk right out, because those little tiny stare-downs absolutely break my heart. Today we're home together, and I'm happy. We've been listening to holiday music and getting into the Christmas spirit.  :) I've been in the mood to decorate the apartment, make sugar cookies and light the fireplace that I don't have. Haha.  I cannot get over how much this little girl loves getting her picture taken!  All I have to do is hold up the camera and she starts cracking up.  She doesn't have a shy bone in her body.  Yet. -----


Shop GM's new kids line today! Can you tell I'm just a little excited about this one? :)


My dearest Sofia,  today was your very first Thanksgiving. We spent the day with your grandparents (and your great grandparents!) I bet they sure feel lucky that they've met you in their lifetime. You've grown so much... in what seems like only yesterday. Your father and I feel so blessed to hold you in our arms. You are what I thank God for every single day. How was your Thanksgiving, friends? Erick and I are currently in a bit of a turkey-enduced-coma. Going to try my best attempt at "sleeping" it off before work at 8AM. :/


My friends over at Grotto Madrid have some great things coming for little kiddos.  Erick and I have so many great photos to share with you after working with this amazing team of people on Sunday.  And share I will.  Shortly.  In the meantime, you can pre-order all of the awesome Grotto goodies in brand spankin' new kids sizes!  This has been a collaboration of blow your mind talented and passionate artists.  I'll have a full write up (and full lineup of the crew) for you all following the official public launch of Grotto Madrid Kids.  Can't wait!


Sofia woke us up this morning at 8:30AM for a quick snack and then... promptly slept in until noon!! Thank you, thank you little girl! Anyone in Chicago knows it's really gloomy outside today!  We've been stuck in the house, so we're definitely making the most of it with some free brunch and Yo Gabba Gabba. I couldn't ask for a better start to my weekend with these awesome people. ------


all images from HoundDesign I stumbled upon the new fall/winter collection for Hound Design the other day and stopped dead in my tracks!  Now don't get me wrong- the clothing is cool, but I was more impressed with the photography. I remember seeing their summer line and thinking the same thing!  It's about time I said something.  Seeing things like this are getting me all geared up to shoot again this weekend, I can't wait! I know it's been a few days since I've been on, Sofia is teething (spare me) got her 5 month vaccine and has been extra cranky and needy the last few days.  I don't mind, though.  It's always good to be needed every once and a while.  She may grab my hair, slobber on my face, but I know when she reaches out with her drooly hands and open mouth she just wants some big hugs and kisses.  My little cuddle-monger!  :)


Sofia: Is this real life? The rumors are true.  I've made a very important decision.  A decision that I never would have been able to make if it wasn't for my incredible husband who selflessly lets me pursue what my heart desires. I'm stepping down to a part-time position at work.  Temporarily. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it!  This means more time to spend with this amazing little butterball that has forever changed my life.  This means more time .  This means all of those projects I've started but can never finish will get some well-deserved attention.  This means I'll be blogging more.  And most importantly, this means I will not miss any more important first moments that I could never get back. I'm near tears. If it wasn't for Erick working full time to help support this loss of income we'll be unavoidably be taking, none of this would have been possible.  Of course we'll be budgeting even harder th...


Hey guys!  Erick and I have been super busy wrapping up a couple of freelance jobs and working non-stop.  It's really going to be great to finally be done with everything and get more time to start creating these projects I've had sitting in the back of my mind for forever now.  Speaking of having more time- I have a lot to share about a big decision I made.  I can't wait to tell you.   What are your weekend plans for this chilly November Saturday?  Anything exciting? I'm pretty content with those chubby cheeks and a nice plate of quiche (thanks to my new-found confidence from my bake date with Abby !)  I'm just so amused that you can put almost anything into this amazing egg pie and its just. sooo. good.


All images link to their source. This would be the perfect fall-back Thanksgiving outfit: A comfy, loose-fitting shirt with colored jeans. Tres chic!


Couldn't resist the pretty fall colors.  I love when I can find inspiration in unexpected places! Farmer's Market- Andersonville.