If you can tell by these photos how messy our house is, I'm sorry. I've realized that even though it seems like it shouldn't matter, clutter really effects your inner calm and happiness. We've got a lot of cleaning to do but as you've noticed- usually for two days over the course of the weekend through Tuesday- I'm never on the blog. Childcare for us right now has been split graciously between both Erick and I's parents, and that means on Sunday and Monday when my family watches Sofia, we have to stay the night since they live so far away. It's not the easiest arrangement for any of us right now, but hey. At least its free. This is the first time we've ever run into a problem where we can't find a sitter this week, and it has me stressed out to the max. They changed my schedule at work to a day I'm not normally on, so everyone we usually have watch her already has something planned. I'm not sure I feel comfortable eno...