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Showing posts from 2011


HOW IT ALL BEGAN. Not too long ago, I had stopped dead in my tracks with a deer-in-headlights stare in the middle of my workday.  Waves of an uncontrollable dizziness pummeled my brain and I remember thinking something was really, really not right.  I had to hold onto the desks at work to even maintain my balance, and kept counting down the hours until my lunch break.  Finally, it hit 4PM and I ran over to Corner Bakery to grab a sandwich- but not before I took a leisurely stroll down the "family planning" section of Walgreens. Yep. Something was not right. I parked my car as fast as I could, ran in and ordered my sandwich, then beelined straight for the ladies room.  I unzipped my pants, ripped open the pregnancy test and there I sat.  In the bathroom.  Of Corner Bakery.  On my lunch break. Hmm, these things are supposed to mess up every once and a while, right?  That can't possibly be TWO blue lines.  Wait.  Two means...



For Sof and I, this breastfeeding journey has been such an amazing experience. I can't believe it's been half a year already! I figured I could check in and give you all a peek into the way we've been doing things, especially since I've been reflecting on it lately.  It hasn't all been perfect, and it's definitely a learning experience. I hope sharing my story will help other moms and future moms that come across the same issues. Looking back at what's positive: Sofia was breastfed exclusively her first 3 months of life.  Besides her short bout with jaundice when the hospital ordered us to supplement, she remained formula free until I went back to work.  Half a year later, we're still breastfeeding 3-4 times a day.  We'll continue on with this schedule until she's older and starts getting teeth-  but the best part has to be that Sofia still prefers the breast to any other method of eating, and I know she's getting the nutrie...


T his is the second time we've visited this spot up on the north side for brunch, and even though the wait for food was a little longer than usual this time, Kanela did not disappoint.  Our server was awesome and even gave us our french-pressed coffees for free because of our wait.  I'm sold.  (And we'll definitely be back).  If you go, so far we've tried the Lorraine Scramble, Red Velvet Pancakes, Stuffed French Toast, and the Portobello Benedict.  My favorite would have to be the Lorraine and the Red Velvet.   Naturally. Oh, and did I already mention how nice it was to have Hector and Illiana still in town?  It's been amazing.  We don't see these two nearly enough since the distance between Chicago and Boston, but I'm hoping we can take Sof on a road trip out east when she's a little bigger.  I've never been out that way and I'm always up for a new adventure!



M y dearest Sofia, yesterday was your very first Christmas!  We spent the night at your Grandma's house with your littlest aunts and had so much fun opening presents.  Mommy couldn't believe how well you could rip that paper up and grab for your gifts out of bags!  You were able to see your aunties and all of your cousins that you don't see that often, and you even cheered on D-Rose as the Bulls won their Christmas game in the last quarter!  I can't get over just how good of a girl you are and how happy, aware, and sweet you are.  You are the most perfect daughter and I couldn't be more overjoyed watching you experience the magic of giving this season.


I had the pleasure of being able to snap three lovely photos at my brother and sister in law's wedding this Christmas Eve.  (People at the courthouse are incredibly  strict with the whole "camera" thing).  I am so SO happy for these two.  What a wonderful memory to have of such a special time of year. 


P laytime on the floor has been on the agenda while Mommy wraps presents! We're on a time crunch now, only 3 more days!


T here's something about these gray December days that I don't even mind staying inside.  It's been a challenging few months trying to find new ways to take the same pictures of our tiny apartment, but I think being creative day after day about how I can strive to make things look different has helped me grow as a photographer.  (More than anything else I've preciously tried, anyway...) I'm getting really sentimental lately- I've almost had this blog for an entire year.  I feel like so many things have changed, so many things have pushed me forward, and ultimately this was just the biggest, brightest year we've had so far.  I owe a lot of it to all you readers out there.  All twenty something of you.  You're what makes this more of an incredible endeavor, and I only hope to bring even more exciting stories for you in 2012!


W e're getting so close to Christmas and I've been super super busy on these days off!  Wrapping with simple kraft paper and black ribbon/twine this year.  Erick always makes fun of me because apparently he was the FIRST ONE to use kraft paper (last Christmas).   Whatever.  Haha. We're so competitive in that friendly married friends type of way. I'm going to be updating the blog with an even more informative sidebar soon, I'll make sure to give you the complete update after I get this baby down for a nap.  Did I mention how incredibly hard it is to get your six month old daughter on a "schedule" when she spends nearly every other day with a different person at a different house?  Yeah.  Not gonna happen. PS- do you like my socks? ;)