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welcoming fall: hiking together

A while back, I had posted about dreading the change of the season.  I was so caught up in my whirlwind of a summer, the beautiful weather, the bare feet, the music and late night dancing in the wilderness, camping, and vacations that I barely remembered or welcomed the un-rushed pace that comes with the beginning of fall.

Living in the middle of the city has been a blessing for finding new, exciting and bustling places to eat and explore, but so many times I'm wishing for the opportunity to do something a little less... urban.  I grew up in the country, and Erick, in the city- so now we've been doing our best to give our child the best of both worlds.

We took a drive about 40 minutes south of the city to a little place in the suburbs and welcomed the crisp and cool air that kissed our cheeks as we embarked on a tiny adventure in the forest.  Hiking with a toddler is such an enriching experience, taking the time to slow down and truly experience all of the beauty around you.  Sofia loves sticks, pebbles, flowers, and especially the wind.  We stopped more times than I could count to let her out of the carrier, ease our backs, and watched her look in amazement at the world around her.  I love more than anything watching her run freely, not worrying about cars or cracks in the sidewalk.  She runs with such a force, completely head first, that at times I think she's going to topple right over but to everyone's surprise, she never does.  It's something I've admired from my daughter since she began to walk-- she's fearless, leads with her heart, and isn't afraid that she might stumble.

There are so many great things to look forward to this season, and it's only just the beginning: apple picking, pumpkin carving, warm soups, root vegetables, family gatherings and the changing leaves.  

What are some of your favorite things to do in the fall?


  1. I think these are some of the best photos I've ever seen! The one of the two of you is beautiful, and as for the one with the sticks.... amazing.
    Enjoy the change in season, we're starting to feel it in the UK too. I love this time of year : )

  2. where did you get that sling? So lovely!

  3. I love these photos; what darlings you all are!

    I'm so happy to hear that the season has rather settled in your heart. I think we spend so much time lamenting over the beauty of the season we are enjoying, that it's hard to look ahead to the beauty of the next one - each one is so vital to life, in their own special way. Or at least I have this problem more than I care to admit.

    So looking forward to seeing your fall adventures with your sweet family.

  4. you are seriously the cutest. and such a happy baby, too. what a perfect way to welcome fall. love these pretty pretty pics!

  5. these pictures are beautiful, we are lucky that we have many parks a drive away we usually fly kites, run around with the leafs. but we are beach people so fall/winter slightly depress us.

  6. These pictures are gorgeous! I love, love that black and white one of just you with the wind blowing your hair and that one of Sofia standing with two sticks in her hands is so adorable!! I cant believe how much hair she has now!!

  7. Love these. I need to go on some long hikes with my family. xo

  8. Autumn is my very favorite time of year. Unfortunately a time of year that never makes it this far south. I love the way you capture your family. Beautiful photos! Enjoy the change of the season for me :)

  9. Sof should always carry around two sticks like that because it is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

    Also, love love that bw photo of you, with the wind blowing your hair. Beautiful!

  10. Oh I can not handle the beauty of these photos--I love seeing YOU! The one of you and her is beyond.

    I see what you mean, I grew up in the city and have been living in the city up until 6 years ago--now we are just 25 minutes outside the city in a small town but not the country. But we are so so close to farms and beautiful animals etc..and I love that! But I'm caught in the middle--I love the beauty of both options so much--in their own unique way. I think after Madelynn graduates, we will move back to Minneapolis. I crave being near cafe's and coffee shops..


    I hope to get away and go camping with my husband, (we bought a cot so I can go) or on a crafting weekend with my girlfriends:)

  11. for someone so happy, ive never seen so few smiles. Alone time, while scarce, can be a healthy respite. I love taking hikes alone, for personal reflection, refuge, silence. I hope you can find yours.

  12. We smiled a lot here actually, sorry we're not posing for the camera. Our little family finds refuge and peace in each other and are quite happy. :-)

  13. Also, the sling is a Maya wrap, I believe I purchased from amazon. The backpack carrier is an Ergo. We love them both!! Thank you all for your sweet words.

  14. what a beautiful blog you have! I just found you via Jodi x

  15. Beautiful photos! It always makes my day to see your beautiful family.

    I love Fall. I can't wait to see my baby girl experience the season for the first time. So happy it's the season for fall fairs, slow cooked meals, pumpkin carving and lots of baked yummies!



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