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whole family : guilt free chocolate cake

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.  We are off to spend the whole day with both sides of our family and have a lot of driving ahead of us.

After seeing this post a few days ago, I just couldn't help myself and needed to satisfy my chocolate cake craving.  The recipe can be found over at Teresa's place.  Both are fantastic blogs to spend some time getting inspired in!  The recipe is high in protein, grain-free, gluten-free, heart healthy and dairy-free... just to name a few.  It's also jam packed with nutrients, so don't even begin to feel bad about eating that last piece.

We'll be back soon, but for now we're signing off to take a few days to be thankful with each other.


  1. Oh my, I think I NEED to make chocolate cake now.

    Betty Red Design

  2. Oh this looks so good! Happy Thanksgiving, hope you three have a wonderful day!!

  3. this looks amazing! your photos are amazing! the links are wonderful. thanks for including them. i was thinking about some baking over the weekend and i believe this is the one. enjoy the next few days. xo

  4. ps: i had been meaning to say i like your new font header. very nice. xo

    1. I wanted something a bit more personal, so I drew something up really quick. Glad you like it! I was unsure of it, but I think I'll keep it for a while :)

  5. Oh! Looks so lovely! I'm a relatively new reader, and am so captivated by your photography. I love coming across artists who have a strong personal style.
    Now I'm off to dream about chocolate.

    1. Why thank you! That means a lot, so glad you stopped by :)

  6. mmm that looks awesome! i wish i could make a whole cake, but there'd be no point since husband hates sweets. boo.

  7. Guilt free or not, I'm all about eating anything with chocolate ; )

  8. Oh my, the way that cakes oozes in that photograph is cruel. Somebody stop it.
    ps. I've made theresa's gluten free banana bread before and it is a goodie. sassy loves it too - and it keeps forever in the fridge x

    1. Isn't she great? I really liked stoping over there... I'll definitely be back to try more recipes!

  9. This looks really delicious. A lot of my family members are gluten free, so it's great to try out recipes like this one. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh my watering mouth! This looks so yummy!

  11. Wow - Those look amazing! This is the first time I have stopped by your blog, and I am amazed by all of your beautiful photos! Absolutely stunning:)

  12. Oh thanks for linking to me! It's yum isn't it. Your pictures are just lovely. Would love to know what you decided to go with for the icing?

    Natalie x

    1. We went with an avocado frosting, it was tasty!


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