This year Sofia and I took a stab at naturally-dyed Easter egg decorating. While I admit it wasn't as vibrant as coloring with standard white eggs and food coloring, we still had so much fun making earthy golds and soot-colored greys. Quite the un-traditional take, I think! We wrapped a few of our eggs in rubber bands before letting them soak in the "dye" as an experiment, and while fun, unfortunately didn't make much of an artistic impact. Here's what we used: For an earthy, yellow-gold color: • a few tablespoons of turmeric • boiling water to cover • tablespoon of white vinegar • container for dye For a lighter, ash-colored grey: • around 1/4 c. smooshed blueberries • boiling water to cover • tablespoon of white vinegar • container for dye It's fun to get creative with Easter egg decorating - there are so many recipes floating around for even more gorgeous colors like jade, brown or violet. We let our eggs sit at the minim...