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bump : week 30

The countdown is officially on, baby.

Less than 9 weeks now (since yes, we are a bit behind with the series again).



  1. Stunning Kate all of them and your hair too. I am really loving this series, you and Erick are so talented. xx

  2. Wow that bump is looking so gorgeous. I love these maternity pictures, you are just so beautiful!

  3. these are beautiful! now's when things really start speeding up!

  4. love your baby belly bump. these photos are absolutely stunning. just stunning.


  5. Kate, I love your maternity series so, so much. Can't believe it's already this close.. didn't you just tell us about this little soul? Looking good, mama.

  6. You are stunning Kate, and your bump is just beautiful! These pictures are gorgeous too, definitely one of my favorites in the series! I cant believe how close you are to meeting your newest little one, so happy for you guys! xo

  7. gorgeous! You are almost there!

  8. Beautiful photos as always. The final countdown is always exciting, waiting....... xo

  9. Oh my goodness! These pictures are beautiful Kate! You are stunning pregnant. Good luck during these last weeks, mama. It'll be over before you know it :)

  10. BEAUTIFUL bump! And not a stretch mark in sight - so jealous.

  11. You're so gorgeous and yay for the final stretch! Hope you enjoy your last few weeks of your pregnancy. :)

  12. so gorgeous, love a bare belly.

    re: baby naming... i love traditional spanish names! my brother and i are gabriela and mateo (our mom is colombian) and i have pushed for some spanish names for the baby but husband thinks that'd be weird since we're both so white ;) my favourite boys name though is definitely mateo. good luck to you guys as well!

  13. Thank you all so much for all the kind words, especially during this last stretch! Lots of love to everyone stopping in to say hi. Means so much to me!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This should have read, "Time is flying! I'm excited and terrified! You look fantastic." But, I pressed publish too early. Whoops!

      Final stretch! :)

  15. There's something really raw and beautiful about these photos. I love them all. Your hair is exactly how I always want my hair to look but I always end up getting annoyed and putting it in a bun!

  16. Oh my, these are amazing, breathy, honest, beautiful... I swoon for that belly, and for your love for its dweller within xx

  17. you two are so talented! i've been loving your maternity series, but i think this is my favourite week by far! and still looking gorgeous :)

  18. gorgeous belly photos. i love the series. x.

  19. these are breathtaking, Kate. The countdown is certainly on, eee!

  20. you look stunning. the photos are beautiful and your hair looks very sophisticated


  21. Stunning, as usual! Gosh I love your maternity shots....
    Your belly is AMAZING. Zero stretch marks!
    Ronnie xo

  22. yep, It's confirmed most beautiful pregnant lady ever. You're even making me want to do it all again (!) x

  23. wow, new mama all over again!!! beautiful, stunning pics kate! (sooooooooooo, is the tree coming down before baby comes out?! :o


  24. Beautiful post- lovely bump! Just stumbled across your pretty blog. xo

  25. I adore the tone of this week, I love that every week is so different. I don't know how you guys come up with new stuff week after week! loving the dark hair again, you're positively glowing x


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