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bump : week 27

The soul is grounded to the pull of the waves, the salt air, the whipping wind, the warm sun.

Sometimes in the middle of the night I imagine myself floating effortlessly in the ocean, my thoughts turn to the warm spring and summer we've all been so anxiously awaiting. It won't be much longer until we finally meet the face of the one still growing, who has already tightly captured a muma's soul, the love of his or her sister, and the heart of a Papa; the one who has already swam in the Caribbean Sea, flown miles and miles through the air and climbed, jumped, explored and moved to music as Erick and I danced barefoot on the beach.  Before, I was afraid to leave the house after Sofia was born - I specifically remember a day where Erick and I swore she was surely breathing in fumes from the cars passing by on the road and ran for shelter until we could calm ourselves down.  We were uptight and worried. We were learning how to be parents.  We both look back on that day and laugh now, especially considering our plans to get out and conquer this summer.  A family of four, weekend warriors, a new dynamic, a new challenge.



  1. Your weekly updates are SO GOOD, Kate. I love them. And hope you intend to make a book...these images can't just get pushed down the archives! I'm particularly fond of the bare belly shots in this post. So beautiful, Kate! xo

    1. A book is definitely being planned this time, especially with our newest arrival joining in...

  2. Wow! These pictures are just stunning, all of them! and that black and white one of your belly is beyond gorgeous! Both you and Erik are such talented photographers! xo

  3. Wow. Kate and the clouds is my favorite. It is such a pleasure to see your little belly grow amongst the backdrop of all of your adventures.

    1. I think that's my favorite part, Rossie - it's nice to look back on the places this little person has gone before he/she has even arrived!

  4. such natural, powerful photos this time. i'm in awe.

    also, i can't say enough about that large b&w. holy smokes, it's good.

  5. Wow, these pics are just so beautiful, especially having them on the beach. The black and white one is amazing x

  6. Such beautiful photos - the ocean is such a perfect backdrop.

    Here's to summer travels!


  7. Thank you all, we are feeling so blessed after this trip... it was such a nice change to be in the warm weather. Much needed...

  8. our bellies are looking so similar these days :) ocean swims have been my saving grace, so glad you got to go to mexico and float around x

  9. Beautiful, just beautiful. These photos are full of soul!

  10. gorgeous, simply gorgeous, Kate. The ocean looks magnificent!

  11. You are so incredibly beautiful. it's amazing that you will never have a first baby again. They say you get mot=re and more relaxed as you have more of them!

  12. Replies
    1. The best compliment I think I've ever received... thank you x

  13. These are incredible Kate. Seriously. And I love the poetic way you wrote this week - really beautiful.

    I must admit, for a second I had a blonde/preggo moment and wondered where the ocean was near Chicago. Geez it's not been my week!


  14. 'The soul is grounded to the pull of the waves, the salt air, the whipping wind, the warm sun.' I love this. When I was pregnant with Everly I would drive to our nearby beach to walk up and down the shore, breath in the salty air, listen to the waves, watch Mamas play with their kids in the sand, thinking 'That will be me soon...'. I am still a little too uptight for my liking in my parenting of Everly - she's very sensitive and is strongly affected by noise and crowds, so I have that constant inner pull of either going out to help her learn about our world or staying home because it's easier...

  15. I am anxiously awaiting the first few days... Weeks... Okay, years of, "Oh my god, what the hell are we doing?!"

    You look beautiful! I'm so jealous of your beach time. :)

  16. Love this, it's so true. And, as always, the shots are gorgeous! So serene and gentle, my heart fluttered a bit looking through these, so lovely.

    Hope you've enjoyed your time away!

  17. Oh, my. Such lovely pictures. You are so serene! Your belly pictures make me long to be pregnant again (and that is not something I thought I would say again!)... thanks for sharing!

  18. Gorgeous gorgeous! I am so excited for you guys!

  19. beautiful baby bump! and the scenery is gorgeous!


  20. Gorgeous shots! I'm pregnant too and i'm so loking forward to have a big baby bump... again!!

  21. These are so beautiful Kate. They have such a beautiful softness to them and the colours, love them. I love your black and white photo too, so gorgeous. I wish my bump looked this beautiful. xxx

  22. These are so, so incredibly beautiful Kate. You seem truly at peace - exuding effortless, classical grace. You were born for this x

  23. you look beautiful!!! I´m on my 35th week...


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